| 1. | The price of gold fluctuated on world markets just like any other commodity-first shooting up to the neighborhood of $200 an ounce. 世界市场上黄金的价格就象其他商品一样,波动不定,先是猛涨到一盎司黄金200美元左右。 |
| 2. | With the price of gold going up , our economy would be improved 随着黄金价格的上涨,我们的经济形式会有所好转。 |
| 3. | The price of gold rose again , due partly to the outbreak of the war 金价的再次上升,其部分原因是战争的爆发。 |
| 4. | Bank price of gold 银行金价买进生金价 |
| 5. | The prices of gold and more mundane metals may therefore start to move in opposite directions 黄金和其他普通金属的价格亦可能会因此开始下跌。 |
| 6. | To get a truer picture of comparative values , compare the dow to the price of gold [ size = + 0 ] 为了获取关于价值的更真实的图像,来比较道指和黄金的价格。 |
| 7. | In investing in gold , customers should recognise that the price of gold may go down as well as up 客户投资于黄金时,应明?黄金之价格,可能上升亦可能下降 |
| 8. | [ size = + 0 ] to get a truer picture of comparative values , compare the dow to the price of gold [ size = + 0 ] 为了获取关于价值的更真实的图像,来比较道指和黄金的价格。 |
| 9. | The price of gold at the chinese gold and silver exchange society exhibited movement similar to that of loco - london gold 金银业贸易场的黄金价格与本地伦敦金价走势大致相同。 |
| 10. | The surging price of gold jewellery is mainly due to the gold price hike worldwide in the past month , say industry observers 业内观察人士说,金饰价格上升主要是由于上月份全球黄金价格上升所致。 |